Should statehood receive the majority of the votes, Congress must vote on whether to allow Puerto Rico to become the 51st state. HR 2499 was passed in the House of Representatives, by a vote of 223-169 this past April 29th, but it has been stalled in the Senate. Critics consider this latest attempt to favor statehood supporters. This is the argument of some U.S politicians of Puerto Rican descent, such as Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-NY), who are against HR 2499. On the other hand, Rep. José Serrano (D-NY) supports this initiative, saying: "I support it because for the first time in 112 years the people of Puerto Rico will have an opportunity to express themselves."
Contrary to what Rep. Serrano was quoted as saying, the island has had plebiscites in 1967, 1993 and 1998 allowing citizens to decide on the political status of Puerto Rico. Unless island residents get just two options, independence or statehood, I do not see an overwhelming majority wanting to see Puerto Rico become the 51st state. Culture and economics are two of the reasons why most Puerto Ricans prefer to keep the status quo. Spanish is the predominant language spoken, and residents do not pay any federal taxes on income earned inside the island. After all is said and done, there is simply a lack of interest and desire amongst most of the electorate to change Puerto Rico's current political status.
(Image obtained from www.endi.com)
After living in PR for a year, I say let it become independent. The people, for the most part, do not regard themselves as Americans, but rather US citizens.
There is also a cultural tolerance of dishonesty in major institutions like court, the workplace, and in social life.
Puerto Rico is not the island oasis that it wants to suggest. It is a leftist, welfare state that deep-down wishes to remain separate from the US at all costs.
Hi, just came across you blog and i love it. I too intend to leave the hustle and bustle of NYC and move to San Juan in January 2011.
I totally agree with Anonymous when he says that Puerto Ricans see themselves as U.S. Citizens and not Americans. However, I think if given the decision to between statehood or independence Puerto Ricans will pick statehood by a land slide. PR's dependence on the U.S. is too strong to give up and I don't think they would want to give up the benefits that come with being a U.S. citizen.
Well anonymous thats your choice,some people like it some dont,but i have a better sugestion why the USA dont give independence to Hawaii, Alaska and Southwestern states , what about all other territories like US Virgin Islands and Guam.Lets see if USA will be superpower with only 38 states
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