Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rediscovering Yoga

After nearly six years of leaving behind my yoga practice, I recently decided to re-embrace it once again. I attended my first class last week, and left feeling both mentally and physically levitated. I've always been a huge fan of yoga, which I had practiced for three years, because it helped break-down a lot of barriers I had built around me. We often develop all these self-doubts and fears, especially as we get older. Yoga helped changed this for me, it transformed my attitude and perception about myself and my life, in general. The changes I felt and saw in myself on the mat, I was able to feel in my mindset.

When I first began taking yoga classes, I laughed and thought to myself, "Yeah, right. I can never do a headstand or a crane pose." However, after several months of assiduously attending yoga classes, I had many aha moments! Before I knew it, many of the poses I once thought were impossible for me to do became a piece of cake. For this, I have tremendous gratitude for my former yoga teacher, Stephanie Culen, who has always been incredibly inspirational. She taught me a lot, and it was through her which I fell in love with yoga.

The most important lesson which I've learned from my practice is the need to evolve as a person. Engage in self-inquiry and constant learning, and just be open to all the possibilities in life, these are just some of the things which can help us become better human beings. I had actually been thinking about going back to yoga again for a while, so as to balance my running. Then one day, I walked past the studio of It's Yoga, it was as if a sign was sent to me from above. I have not been to other yoga studios in Puerto Rico. However, here's a listing for those of you who are interested in practicing while on the island. Meanwhile, with my feet firmly grounded, with much humility, passion and purpose, I'm back on the mat. Namaste.

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