Violence is, of course, not solely restricted to guns and drug traffickers. Domestic violence is also quite rampant on the island. According to some mental health experts and criminologists in Puerto Rico, a large percentage of the island's population suffers from depression, as well as other psychological illnesses. This in turn has led to an ever-growing litany of societal problems, one of which is violence. In response to this situation, a group of concerned citizens have organized a march ("Marcha Alto a La Violencia") tomorrow to speak out and raise awareness over this issue which just seems to be exacerbating. Note: The image above was obtained from the Facebook page of "Marcha Alto a La Violencia."
Located on a quiet street in one of San Juan's most high-priced real estate areas is Puerto Rico's one and only public dog park. Opened back in 2008, the pet park in Condado has drawn people from all over the San Juan metro area who are aware that dogs (just like humans) need to exercise and interact with one another. Back in March, when I was in New York for a visit, I noticed quite a few public parks with a fenced-off area for dogs. I lamented to a friend, also a dog-owner, the unfortunate fact that there is only one dog park in Puerto Rico. This certainly isn't something earth-shattering, as public parks are few and far between on the island.
Studies have shown that the prevalence of city parks can help improve the health of its local residents. I would venture that the same could be said for dogs. In Puerto Rico, the lack of open space for both humans and canines indicates how public health issues have been shoved to the back burner. As I've mentioned in a previous blog entry, the mistreatment of animals is notorious on the island. In addressing this issue, San Juan Mayor Jorge Santini opened El Centro de Control y Adopción de Animales (The Center for the Control and Adoption of Animals), which offers affordable vaccination and sterilization services. Hats off to Santini as well for opening the island's only public dog park, which is open everyday (except for holidays) from 7AM to 7PM. It's a wonderful place for dogs to roam and play off-leash. The park has a water fountain, benches, an agility course and even plastic bags for picking up your dog's poop. The park is very clean and very well maintained. All canines are welcome, as long as they are at least four months old and completely vaccinated.
In an attempt to beef up its coffers, and strike a blow at tax evaders, the Puerto Rican government introduced the IVU Loto (its acronym stands for impuesto sobre las ventas y uso). The premise behind this idea is to have consumers demand retailers for a receipt, and money would be the natural incentive. The IVU tax was introduced back in 2007, and is levied on all purchases (except for essentials such as bread, water and milk) at 6% islandwide. Ever since its introduction, the amount received by the Department of Treasury (el Departamento de Hacienda) has been much less than what the government had projected. Tax evasion is the culprit, according to Treasury officials, as only half of the island's businesses are said to remit IVU tax payments. According to the government, the solution to this conundrum is to implement a lottery receipt system. Perhaps the folks over at Treasury were inspired by some Latin American countries, and some as far-flung as China, that have successfully implemented their version of an IVU Loto. In China, tax revenues from businesses have reportedly seen a significant increase.
On the island, the IVU Loto has already gotten off to a rocky start. Although it was supposed to roll-out in the beginning of this year, very few businesses have the IVU Loto system installed in their cash registers. One of the reasons for this long delay is due to the legal battle involving one of the contractors hired to implement the IVU Loto system. As I dig out a bunch of receipts from wallet, including from the major chains such as Walgreens, Bed, Bath & Beyond, among others, none have the 10 digit IVU Loto number. It wasn't until last week, when I finally got a receipt from a restaurant, that I was reminded of my shot at winning some hard cash! Come to think of it, if I hadn't paid with a credit card, I probably wouldn't have gotten a receipt. In any case, I didn't get lucky this time.
Aside from the government's failure, thus far, to fully implement the IVU Loto system, religious leaders have also cried foul. Their argument is that Tenth Commandment clearly states "thou shalt not covet." Participating in the IVU Loto is considered to be a form gambling, which is against their religion. Other critics contend that the IVU Loto will not incentivize underground businesses to emerge from the shadows. The root of the problem is the inefficiency and lack of trust in the local Puerto Rican government. In the meantime, at least some of us sinners will have a shot at winning $1000 every week. That is, of course, if we should actually get a receipt with the IVU Loto number on it. At the moment though, it doesn't seem as though people noticed or care much for it, as some of the IVU Loto winners haven't even bothered to claim their prize money.